Ibutamoren MK 677 Before and after Results, Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage & Where to buy for Sale 2023

Ibutamoren MK 677 înainte și după rezultatele

Looking for MK 677 reviews, results or alternative? Are you a bodybuilder? Are you keen on building muscle mass fast and fast track your bodybuilding goals? If yes, then you will be able to achieve your goals by selecting the best bodybuilding supplements. When you go online, searching for bodybuilding supplements, you will come across myriad options.

Every supplement, brand and product that you come across will claim that they are the best; as a customer you could easily get confused not knowing how to narrow down on the right supplement. If you have growth hormone deficiency and if you want to regulate the growth hormone secretion, do not worry, we have for you a detailed review of one such supplement Ibutamoren MK 677.

Let us find out what this supplement actually does, what are the benefits, what is the right dosage, whether it actually delivers on its own promises, so that you could make a well-informed decision regarding this supplement

Alternative sigure și legale sarms

  • Tot



  • Asigură plenitudinea musculară
  • Stimulează nivelurile de HGH în mod natural
  • Promovează vascularizație
9.9 5 stele

Testol 140

Testol 140

  • Vă ajută să în vrac în mod natural
  • Construiește masa musculara masa
  • Crește rata metabolică
9.8 5 stele

Ligan 4033

Ligan 4033

  • Crește nivelul de testosteron în mod natural
  • Asigură un câștig muscular rapid
  • Îmbunătățește nivelul de anduranță
9.7 5 stele

Osta 2866

Osta 2866

  • Cresterea rapida a masei musculare
  • Topește grăsimea, dar păstrează mușchii
  • Construiește masa musculara
9.5 5 stele

Stena 9009

Stena 9009

  • Ajută la topirea excesului de grăsime corporală
  • Crește rezistența
  • Îmbunătățește fluxul de sânge
9.4 5 stele
Afișați mai multe oferte+

Ce este MK 677?

This product is a GHS or a Growth Hormone Secretagogue. This increases the growth hormone production in the body. It triggers the pituitary gland to boost the production of human growth hormone. This product increases insulin like growth factor. When this supplement is taken it helps in building muscles and in getting rid of bad fat in the body. This is what exactly every bodybuilder tries to achieve. This is on of the best SARMs on the market. 

Produs Ibutamoren

Mk 677

  • Creșterea rezistenței,
  • Increased bone density,
  • Creșterea masei musculare
Efecte secundare
  • Fără efecte secundare
Pachet Sticlă
Doza 10 mg per day for beginners;
25 mg per day for intermediate users;
50 mg per day for those at an advanced stage
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Evaluare ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
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IBUTA 677: O alternativă sigură și legală la Ibutamoren MK 677

This growth hormone makes great claims about its effectiveness but you should know that it is still a drug under investigation. It is not approved. This drug is ridden with side effects that make most users discontinue it half way through the process. There is absolutely no need to put up with such risks and negative side effects if you could turn your eye to Crazybulk IBUTA 677. This is not only a safer alternative to Ibutamoren but it is also a legal alternative to this drug.

Ibuta 677 Brand

Ibuta 677

✅ Increased strength
✅ Increased bone density
✅ Increased muscles


IBUTA 677 is known for its all natural, safe bulking and cutting formulas. Ibutalean is yet another masterpiece from Crazy Bulk. The anti-inflammatory properties of IBUTA 677 are noteworthy – never again worry about post workout injuries and joint pains. The growth enhancer in the all-natural formula speeds up the bulking process. This Produkt is also in the list of best SARMs for bulking too.

You do not need anymore reasons to choose IBUTA 677 over Ibutamoren K677, an unapproved drug. Crazy Bulk IBUTA 677 is – safe, legal, highly effective and cheaper. There is no need to wait for our recommendation, because you already know what we would recommend to our users, of course IBUTA 677, the safest alternative to this growth hormone.


What are the benefits of MK 677?

This product imitates one of the natural growth hormones called Ghrelin and thereby increasing the growth hormone level. It boosts insulin like growth factor 1 which is commonly known as IGF-1. 

The above reactions result in hyperplasia, which is an increase in the muscle cells. The advantage here is that the muscle gain achieved through IBUTA 677 is of a permanent nature. The growth hormone also burns the fat in the body. The free fatty acid level is increased because of the hormone’s binding effect to somatropin. This stimulates the body to access the fat stores in the body instead of the carbohydrates.

Cum funcționează MK 677

Cumulatively, all these result in building of muscles and burning of fat. An important factor to note here is that the cortisol level is not increased at any point in time. Increase in cortisol is found to have a negative impact on the body. 

Cum utilizați MK 677 pentru cele mai bune rezultate? Doza noastră & ciclu de recomandare pe zi:

Brandul recomandă pentru cineva incepand nou, o capsulă de 15mg zilnic dimineața, împreună cu micul dejun sau după micul dejun pentru primele șapte zile. Odată ce corpul tău este obișnuit cu suplimentul, după primele șapte zile, este recomandat să luați două capsule de 15 mg zilnic una dimineața și alta înainte de a merge la culcare cu sau după cină. 

If you are an experienced user of IBUTA 677 supplements, you can take two capsules from day one, one in the morning and another before going to bed, both times with or after food. 

Trebuie să utilizați acest supliment pentru 8 pentru a 12 cicluri de săptămână, atunci ar trebui să existe o perioadă de răcire 4 săptămâni. 

This supplement should not be used by anyone who is

  • sub vârsta de 21 de ani.
  • sub rezerva testării CIO
  • gravidă sau care alăptează

Cum utilizați MK 677 pentru cele mai bune rezultate

Cât timp durează ca MK 677 să funcționeze?

This supplement is expected to start working within one to two weeks. However, the fullest benefits could be achieved gradually. The muscles will continue to build as you take the supplement for the entire cycle of eight to twelve weeks. The fat burning function will also happen simultaneously. If you want to enjoy the fullest benefits, make sure that you are taking the supplements consistently without skipping. 

MK 677 2023 clinical trial assessment and results:

Several clinical tests were performed to assess the performance of this growth hormone and its safety. Tests indicate that the subjects who participated in the test experienced mild and quickly resolved side effects that included stomach ache, muscle pain, increased blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, which can actually result in fat gain on the long run, painful joints and water retention. 

More than the negative side effects, what you should know is that this drug is not allowed for human use and it is still in the investigational stage. It is not yet been approved for human consumption. If you do not want to experience the above negative side effects or if you want to choose a legally approved alternative, then you could consider one of the best Ibutamoren / SARMS alternatives from Crazy Bulk.

Mk 677 este sigur de utilizat și are efecte secundare

Rezultatele MK 677 înainte și după

While we have, this growth hormone is a drug under investigation. It is not yet been approved for human consumption. This drug, however, has been put to use by the bodybuilding community. Let us see how this drug fairs in terms of its performance. 

Rezultatele MK677

  • Results after two weeks: This supplement will start working immediately after it gets into the blood stream. However, you will not be able to notice the signs in terms of muscle mass building and fat loss up until the first two weeks.
  • Results after one month: After the first month, there is a noticeable increase in the lean muscles along with the right diet and carefully planned workout regime.
  • Results after two months: The recommended cycle is eight to twelve weeks. After the two months, you will be able to see a significant change in your physique. 
  • Results after 3 months: The muscles continues to increase between week 8 and 12. You would have completed the 12-week cycle by now and will be moving to the 4-week cooling-off period. 


Rezultatele MK 677 înainte și după

Revizuirea și evaluarea noastră MK 677

MK 677 recenzii pozitive

  • Significant Improvement: Within the 12-week period, I was able to notice a significant improvement in the lean muscles. I am still waiting to see the impact during the cooling-off period.

MK 677 comentarii negative

  • Simțit letargic: Atunci când se iau un supliment de genul asta, mi-ar fi vrut să fie activ cu energie suplimentară. Cu toate acestea, suplimentul mă face să mă simt letargic și nu mi-a plăcut modul în care m-a făcut să mă simt.
  • Am ajuns balonat: În prima săptămână în sine, a trebuit să întrerupă pentru că am observat balonare în picioare din cauza retenției de apă a crescut. Știu 100% că acest lucru numai din cauza acestui supliment. Aș prefera mai degrabă să vrac până într-un mod mai sănătos.
  • Nivelul meu de zahăr din sânge împușcat în sus: Nu mă așteptam nivelul meu de zahăr din sânge pentru a trage în sus. Nu ar fi trebuit să încerc un supliment care este încă în faza de investigare. Nu am vrut să-mi asum riscuri suplimentare, deoarece nu eram sigur dacă creșterea va atinge un vârf și va reveni la normal. Așa că a trebuit să renunț la ciclu la jumătatea drumului. 

MK 677 Pro:

  • Creste rezistenta osoasa
  • Ajută în cazul în care masa musculara masa de constructii
  • Arde grăsimea

MK 677 Contra:

  • Nu este potrivit pentru cineva sub 21 de ani
  • Creste nivelul zaharului din sange
  • Provoacă balonare și umflare
  • Dureri musculare
  • Ilegal, deoarece încă nu este aprobat
  • Ar putea exista mai multe efecte secundare negative, deoarece medicamentul este încă în faza de testare

Revizuirea și evaluarea noastră MK 677

Where to buy MK 677 online?

MK 677 compararea prețurilor și oferte de vânzare

You can buy this growth hormone from the manufacturer’s website. The manufacturer of this product us Dssault Labs. You will be able to find the latest prices and deals on the manufacturer’s website.

Cele mai bine cotate SARM-uri

Puteți cumpăra MK 677 într-o farmacie?

Puteți cumpăra MK 677 într-o farmacie?

This supplement is not yet approved, and it is still under the investigational phase. You cannot buy this supplement in a pharmacy.

Ce trebuie să iau în considerare dacă vreau să întrerup MK 677?

If you are experiencing any negative side effects such as bloating, increased blood sugar levels or other serious negative side effects, you should discontinue the supplement immediately and switch to safer SARMS alternatives from Crazy Bulk.

Do not think that the side effects will go away and continue the supplement because once the negative side effects set it, it would only get worse when you continue taking the supplements. So, all that you need to consider before discontinuing this supplement is whether it is safe for you and whether it is actually delivering on what it promises without any of the above mentioned negative side effects.

MK 677 Review Conclusion

This product has other safer and legal alternatives from Crazy Bulk. This supplement seems to have a lot of potential and it could help the bodybuilders achieve the expected bulking goals while at the same time getting rid of the bad fat or bad cholesterol. 

The disadvantage or the downside, however, is that MK 677 has not been subjected to adequate clinical tests. We do not really know what it could do and what are the long term impact of this supplement on the body. It would be imprudent to embrace a supplement just looking at the results it produces in the limited tests made. Your all time priority should be your overall health or general wellbeing. In this context, we do not have adequate information on clinical results of this supplement. When there are other safer and legal alternatives, one should not be knowingly inviting unnecessary trouble. 

Deoarece MK 677 nu este încă un medicament legal, ci un produs în curs de investigare, nu suntem în măsură să recomande acest lucru. Există și alte alternative mai sigure Crazy Bulk pe care le-ați putea lua în considerare.

experiență și recomandare

Întrebări frecvente despre MK 677:

MK 677 creates a lot of questions and doubts in the minds of those who want to use this supplement. We have tried to cover some of the most important and most frequently asked questions about this supplement

Când ar trebui să luați Ibutamoren MK 677?

Does MK 677cause brain damage?

Does MK 677cause erectile dysfunction?

How to take MK 677 liquids?

What is supplement MK 677used for?

How to cycle MK 677?

Cât timp rămâne MK 677 în sistemul dvs.?

How much does this supplement cost and where can I get MK 677 for the cheapest price?

Is it possible to buy this supplement on eBay and Amazon?

Does Ibutamoren have any risks or side effects?

Is it safe to take Ibutamoren continuously?

Do I need a prescription to buy MK 677?


  • MK-677, un secretagog al hormonului de creștere activ pe cale orală, inversează catabolismul indus de dietă, Accesat de la: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9467534/, Data accesată: 08 Noiembrie, 2021.
  • Modulatoare selective ale receptorilor androgeni (SARMs) – Cunoștințe actuale și aplicații clinice, Accesate de la: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6326857/, Data accesată: 08 Noiembrie, 2021.
  • MK-677, un secretagog al hormonului de creștere activ pe cale orală, inversează catabolismul indus de dietă, Accesat de la: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/art icle/83/2/320/2865101, Data accesată: 08 Noiembrie, 2021.
  • Efectele unui ghrelin mimetic oral asupra compoziției corporale și a rezultatelor clinice la adulții în vârstă sănătoși, Accesate de la: https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/0003-4819-149-9-200811040-00003, Data accesată: 08 Noiembrie, 2021.
  • Efectul hormonului de creștere activ pe cale orală Secretagogue MK-677 asupra creșterii somatice la șobolani, Accesate de la: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6240568/, Data accesată: 08 Noiembrie, 2021.

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Scris de Dr. Dana Kim
Redactor și editor medical

Dr. Dana Kim este farmacist clinic. Și-a obținut doctoratul în farmacie la Universitatea Illinois din Chicago. A lucrat ca farmacist de perfuzie la domiciliu și a scris comunicări clinice pentru pacienți și profesioniști de mai bine de zece ani. Dr. Kim este, de asemenea, un scriitor pentru familyfoodandtravel.com.

Vezi toate mesajele trimise de Dr. Dana Kim